2.3.5 Visualising a frequency table with bar charts.2.3.4 Activity 2.3: Looking at frequency.2.3.3 Creating a frequency table in Excel.2.2.1 The importance of level of measurement.1.12.1 Activity 7: Abstract-ing the unit of analysis.1.11.2 Activity 6: Levels of measurement pt. Activity 5: Levels of measurement pt. Activity 4: Thinking about what our data tells us.1.7.1 Activity 3: Building your own data.1.4.1 Activity 2: Create a folder for this module.1.4 Setting up your working environment.1.3.1 Activity 1: Posting on the discussion board.1.3 Asking a question on the discussion board.1.2 Familiarising yourself with the course.